14 Breakfasts That Make The Morning Commute

So many of us eat breakfast in the car in the mornings. We need something quick and easy that is simple to eat while we head to work.

1. Zucchini Fritters

A stack of zucchini fritters on a plate, topped with a dollop of hummus on top.
Photo Credit: The Gracious Pantry.

These healthy zucchini fritters are definitely not your traditional zucchini fritter. They are lighter (both in calories and in fat), but still, really fill you up and keep you going until lunch. Wrap them in a paper towel to eat them in the car.

2. Greek Avocado Toast

A closeup of a piece of Greek Avocado Toast on a cutting board.
Photo Credit: The Gracious Pantry.

This Greek avocado toast makes a great breakfast (or snack) and takes less than 10 minutes to prepare. It’s delicious and healthy. A perfect dish to serve on a weekend morning.

3. Banana Muffins

A banana muffin in a yellow muffin liner.
Photo Credit: The Gracious Pantry.

Banana muffins are a perfect start to the day for people who want something with a little bit of a sweet flavor for breakfast. These tasty muffins are perfect for breakfast on the move or for packing in lunches, and you can make them with or without nuts.

4. Breakfast Taquitos

A stack of Healthy Breakfast Taquitos on a wood cutting board.
Photo Credit: The Gracious Pantry.

Breakfast Taquitos are like a breakfast burrito but easier to take along with you in the morning and far easier (and cleaner) to eat.

5. Pumpkin Spice Granola Bark

Pumpkin spice granola bark pieces in a glass jar.
Photo Credit: The Gracious Pantry.

Pumpkin Spice Granola Bark is the best way to eat cereal on the go, without the bowl or the milk. This way, if you spill it, you just have to brush away the crumbs.

6. Pancake Muffins

Four just-baked Pancake Muffins lay on a piece of white parchment paper.
Photo Credit: The Gracious Pantry.

Pancake muffins are a great breakfast on-the-go option. There are so many different additions you can add to them, like fresh fruit, bacon, or sausage. You can make these and freeze them to pull out when you need breakfast on the run. 

7. Bacon & Egg Wraps

A bacon and egg wrap cut in half an laying on a piece of white parchment paper.
Photo Credit: The Gracious Pantry.

Bacon and egg wraps are a perfect breakfast option for you if you don’t have time to sit down for breakfast before you leave the house. You can add in any additional ingredients you like, and you can even make these ahead of time and freeze them.

8. Pita Breakfast Sandwich

An open pita with eggs, bell peppers and fresh spinach stuffed inside.
Photo Credit: The Gracious Pantry.

Pitas are a natural choice when you are looking for a breakfast that you can take on the go. Spinach, eggs, and bell peppers are all that you need to make a pita breakfast sandwich, and you can even make the eggs in advance to save even more time. 

9. Strawberry Smoothie

A glass filled with strawberry smoothie. Fresh strawberries lay around the glass.
Photo Credit: The Gracious Pantry.

Smoothies for breakfast are healthy and delicious, and you can customize them with all sorts of ingredients. Fresh or frozen strawberries work perfectly for this strawberry smoothie recipe.

10. Banana Wrap

A cut banana wrap sits on a white background. You can see the layers of the whole grain wrap, nut butter and the bananas.
Photo Credit: The Gracious Pantry.

This banana wrap is so easy to make, and you can easily take it with you on the go. You just need tortillas, a banana, and your favorite nut butter, and you can have breakfast in less than a minute! 

11. Blueberry Smoothie

An overhead view of a glass jar filled with Kale Blueberry Smoothie.
Photo Credit: The Gracious Pantry.

This blueberry smoothie can be ready in minutes, and you can drink it on your drive to work or school. Fresh blueberries, Greek yogurt, honey, and your favorite milk whipped up in the blender, and breakfast is ready to go.

12. Southwest Breakfast Muffins

A single Southwestern Breakfast Muffin on a white surface.
Photo Credit: The Gracious Pantry.

Muffins are an easy grab-and-go breakfast food, and these southwest breakfast muffins are full of protein and fresh flavors. Make them ahead of time, and you can grab one out of the fridge on your way out of the door. 

13. Waffle Iron Omelets

Waffle Iron Omelets topped with cheese and tomatoes.
Photo Credit: The Gracious Pantry.

Waffle iron omelets can be made ahead of time, and you can use many different ingredients to change up the flavors. Just pop one out of the freezer and into the toaster before you leave in the morning.

14. Healthy Pop Tarts

A homemade pop tart on a white plate.
Photo Credit: The Gracious Pantry.

Homemade pop tarts are so much healthier for you than the store-bought kind. You can still grab one on your way out the door, but you can feel so much better about the ingredients! 

Love Coffee For Breakfast But Not All The Sugar?

Milk being poured into a latte to make a pretty, squiggly design.
Photo Credit: I love coffee/Shutterstock.

If you need alternatives for putting processed sugar in your coffee, here are some ideas for making your morning cup of Joe a little healthier.

Do You Love Smoothies For Breakfast?

A glass filled with strawberry smoothie. Fresh strawberries lay around the glass.
Photo Credit: The Gracious Pantry.

Smoothies are great for helping you get more servings of fruits and veggies into your diet. But there are ways to amplify their benefits even further.

Struggling With Trying To Eat Healthier? This Can Help

A wooden bowl filled with fresh berries.
Photo Credit: Igor Normann/Shutterstock.

We all have good intentions when it comes to eating healthier. But actually doing it can be a hurdle many struggle with. These tips can help get you over the hump and on your way to eating and feeling better.

This originally appeared on The Gracious Pantry.

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