Healthy Halloween Treats Roundup

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These healthy Halloween treats are sure to help you celebrate the holiday without trick-or-treating for a load of cavities!

I know, I know. Halloween is only one day a year, so you might as well enjoy it. Right?

A collage of Healthy Halloween Treats!

While that may be true, the REAL story is that we eat garbage for weeks both before and after Halloween, using the one-day-holiday as an excuse to eat junk all month long and then some.

You know I’m right. That Halloween candy doesn’t disappear all by itself!

So if you really want to leave the Halloween junk for enjoying ON Halloween, instead of the few weeks leading up to it, try these healthier snacks. They’ll help you feel like you’re still enjoying some tasty treats without putting all that yuck in your body or pounds in your pants.

You can find all of my Halloween recipes here. The recipes below are from other healthy food bloggers around the web!


Eye of newt pudding in a glass serving bowl.

Who wouldn’t want a delicious bowl of newt eyeballs??! I mean, seriously. If witches are your thing, have a delicious, witchified treat with this super healthy chia pudding. You can gross yourself out while giving yourself a super tasty treat that actually benefits your body!

Get the recipe here: Eye of Newt Pudding – Mom Foodie


Vanilla Ghost Doughnuts #halloween #doughnuts #donuts #halloweentreats

If ghostly goodies are your thing, you can’t beat this spooky cuteness! And if you don’t want the xylitol, try for powdering your own Sucanat or coconut sugar. It won’t be ghostly white, but it’ll be just as good without the processed sweetener.

Get the recipe here: Halloween Ghost Vanilla Donuts – Natalies Health

Pumpkin spice latte cookies piled high on a white serving platter in this collection of healthy halloween treats.

Pumpkin spice lattes are my jam. I usually have my first PSL September 1st in the hopes of using my sheer will to manifest colder weather and turning leaves. But you don’t have to drink your pumpkin spice lattes. You can eat them too! These deliciously, healthy cookies are a wonderful way to enjoy the flavor without worrying about drinking it before it gets cold!

Get the recipe here: Grain Free Pumpkin Spice Latte Cookies – Strength And Sunshine


Poisoned apples sit on a serving platter, ready to bite into.

Now, I mean really. Poisoned apples that are actually made with good-for-you ingredients? Sounds like my kind of poison! I love the gray-green color on these. What a great way to enjoy a Halloween treat without actually keeling over!

 Get the recipe here: Poisoned Apples – Pink Fortitude


Ghost cake is vegan and has three darling ghosts decorating the top of the cake, made from pears.

This cutie-patooty cake is vegan! And those ghosts are just the cutest things ever! So while you might not send your guest screaming in fear, they are sure to enjoy a slice of this cake with its ghostly topping! Yum!

Get the recipe here: Halloween Ghost Cake – Rhian’s Recipes

Orange Jack-0-Lanters filled with fruit.

Few snacks are as wonderful as fruit. But when you combine fruit and Halloween, you get these delicious and adorable jack-o-lanterns filled with berries and pretty much any fruit you’d like! What a healthy and festive way to enjoy Halloween!

Get the recipe here: Orange Jack-O-Lanterns – Moms Who Save


Pumpkin french fries make perfect healthy halloween treats with a side of ketchup!

Few foods say Halloween and Autumn like pumpkins do. Whether you carve them, turn them into pie or roast them, you’ll have a dish that is sure to please even the pickiest of spooks! These fries are perfect for a healthy Halloween snack!

Get the recipe here: Pumpkin French Fries – Recipe This


Roasted Halloween vegetables in the shape of pumpkins.

Even the kids will eat their veggies with these darling roasted jack-o-lantern veggies! What kid (big or small) wouldn’t love biting into one of these cute little pumpkins? You could do this with a few different vegetables and dress up any dinner plate for Halloween!

Get the recipe here: Roasted Halloween Vegetables – Amanda’s Cookin’


Pretzel and cheese broomsticks, standing on end on a serving platter.

Who says snacks can’t be magical? These broom sticks are Harry-Potterish and witchy all at the same time! Plus, it’s a nice blend of cheese and pretzels. Who doesn’t enjoy that for a snack? Simply use whole grain pretzels and real cheese to keep this healthy!.

Get the recipe here: Pretzel Broom Sticks – Mom Foodie


A platter of Halloween shaped cheeses cut with cookie cutters are the perfect, savory, health halloween treats.

This fun idea is so simple, I could just smack myself for not thinking of it! Cheese cut from Halloween cookie cutters for a cheese platter? Oh yes, I think so!

Get the instructions here: Halloween Food Ideas – Amanda’s Cookin’

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  1. Hi Tiffany – I love these healthier options for Halloween. PINNED and shared on Facebook! Thank you so much for including my poison apples. My heart is full of gratitude. Hugs, Holly

  2. Summer Yule says:

    Great ideas! Those little roasted pumpkins might be my favorite. Will try! Did you know they make ice pop molds shaped like zombies, monsters, etc. so you can make healthy smoothie pops? So many fun Halloween possibilities beyond candy!

    1. Summer – I did! And yes, there are so many healthy options out there. I think most people throw caution to the wind and dig into the candy bowl. But for those that don’t want to do that, it’s nice to know there are any number of healthy treats out there!