Thanks For Subscribing!
The first email should be on it’s way to your inbox.
You’re awesome!! You’ve just subscribed to my free newsletter! I may send out a few extra emails now and again, but I promise not to overwhelm you with emails.
If you somehow ended up here on accident and didn’t intend to subscribe, simply click “unsubscribe” in one of the emails you receive. Easy! But I hope you’ll stick around because I have so much delicious food to share with you!!
Add my email to your contact list so it doesn’t end up in your spam folder!
The email you’ll want to add is: [email protected].
For helpful instructions on how to do that for your specific email, I found this fabulous page (on another site) that describes each and every email and the steps to put a particular email on your safe mailing list. Click here to read it.
If you don’t see an email from me immediately:
- Give it 20-30 minutes. Sometimes, email can be slow.
- Check your spam folder. If my email isn’t on your contacts list, it’s super easy for any mail I send you to end up in your spam folder. So be sure to add my email address to your contacts so you see any emails from me!
Once you get your newsletter
- Be sure to at least open your newsletter twice a month because I have to delete those folks who don’t read my emails to keep my costs in check.