Here’s What Readers Are Saying…
As a blogger, I am extremely blessed to have such amazingly supportive readers.
As my readership grows steadily, I’m receiving more and more personal emails from you guys.
It absolutely makes my day to hear from you. You keep me going and inspired. You guys are the BEST!
Here’s what you’ve been saying…
(Published with permission)
I just somehow found your website after doing a google search andย thoughtย I was in heaven. I love your blog!! It’s got the greatest recipes –ย withย ingredients that I can actually find in my grocery store. I find a lotย ofย CE recipes call for really expensive or hard-to-find ingredients, so I’mย very excited to start trying your recipes – in fact, I’m going to goย makeย the protein bars right now.ย Thanks again. ~Jolene
I weighed myself last night and was down another 2 pounds. It was on a different scale than I normally use though so I’m not really celebrating just yet. That would make it 26 pounds total though if it’s right.
I started clean eating (and following your blog) about 3 months ago when I was diagnosed with high cholesterol and high blood pressure. 3 months later I’m down in weight and my cholesterol is down 73 points!!
I still have a long way to go in all 3 areas but I’m now on the right path. Thank you for all you do. You mean more than you know. ~Lori
Hi Tiffany.
Your site is a real find for me. I have been endeavoring to eat clean for a few years now. I struggle with cooking though, working full time and I’m not a natural cook at all. I still have 2 teenagers at home, single mom. I subscribe to Clean Eating but a lot of the ingredients such as tilapia, different meats & less common type veggies are not available where I live in rural Saskatchewan. Consequently, the magazine isn’t that useful to me. We’re “landlocked” & in cattle country so not much fresh fish available.
I like your site a lot because it seems to be recipes with more regular ingredients so there’s more for me to choose from. I am loving it & finding it very useful. Thanks so much for your efforts. I’m certain you’re benefitting all kinds of people & making their lives easier & eating healthier.
Regards from a grateful subscriber,
Brenda Einarson
Luseland, Saskatchewan
I just ordered your e-desserts cookbook and I can’t wait to try them all!! I’ve tried many of your recipes and I love your jicama hashbrowns! I love eating clean. Thanks for all the recipes and please keep them coming! ~ Tracy
Love your site– and by the way, I now make your cottage cheese ‘Alfredo’ sauce on a regular basis and we love it–my husband has no idea that its cottage cheese (or he would never eat it)—and I love that it’s healthy and yummy-thanks again;) Kristen
I seriously love your website and your recipes! I have just started
eating clean about 1-2 months ago, in an attempt to lose a few kilos. But I have realized that clean food doesn’t mean bland, boring food. I have since embraced the idea of eating clean. Because I also love to cook, I am always on the constant lookout for great recipes. Stephanie
Hi Tiffany,
I just want to say thank you for your website! I recently started
TRYING to eat clean as much as I can help it. You and this site are an
inspiration. I love the recipes and product reviews! Keep up the
excellent work. You should write a book! I’d be one of the first in line to buy.
Thank you again!
Hi! I just wanted to let you know how much I’ve enjoyed your website and recipes. I’ve just started my own clean eating journey and your recipes, advice and help have been invaluable motivation for me. Thanks!! You must be an amazing person to do all this with a small child and, I presume, a job! Keep up the good work.
Just want to say I’m very grateful for your blog and all the recipes. I follow it like the bible. I have a problem planning my own menus that are “clean” and this is exactly what I need. I’m sure I’ll be feeling better in no time. Natalie
Just a short message to thank you for the time and effort you put into this wonderful site…obviously a labor of love. ……Anyway, I’ll check in on you often. From one clean eating chick to
another…glad to meet ya!
I just wanted to personally tell you that your website is wonderful. I love cooking and baking, so your recipes (especially because they’re clean) show up in a lot of the meals I make. They are delicious! I also like that you include tips for “munchkin helpers”. This is awesome because I babysit for some younger and older kids and to get them cooking with me and having a good time is an ideal activity for me. Keep up the great blogging! Alexis
Yours is my new favorite site! GREAT recipes, mouth-watering photos. Thanks for the time & effort you put into your site. Veronica
I just wanted to send you a quick note and let you know how much I love your website. I have been “trying” to eat clean (not always doing this) and you have really given me a whole new world of what you can make yourself. I am so thankful to people like you who can share your successes with us newbies =) Thank you so much for your time and effort on this it is a lifesaver.
Hi Tiffany!
I just started the clean eating lifestyle and have been STARVING for great recipes and ideas. I stumbled across your site and found just what I’ve been looking for!! We’re on such a tight budget with my husband still in school, but after 3 babies in 4 years I decided I need to take better care of this family!
Thank you for all the great recipes and ideas for my kids to help, we’re bound to be successful with your yummy food to eat!!
I just had to share with you…..I made your almond cookies yesterday.
My 18mo. old who still only has a few words – stood at the counter
pointing to the cookies and kept saying “more, more, more”. A huge hit and I certainly didn’t mind giving her more “clean” cookies! For dessert, we all crumbled some cookies over fresh strawberries..yum!
I am on the clean eating journey myself stumbled across your site and LOVE it! Found you on Twitter too! Just wanted to say thanks!
I just recently, 2 days ago, came across your blog and I love it! My husband and I are overhauling our diets to be more clean and healthy and you have provided so many sources of information that this is going to be easier than I imagined. Thanks, Katie
Hi Tiffany
I have been following your blog for a while and send it to a lot of people. Everyone loves the clean eating protein bars. I make a new batch each time I run out! Thanks for all the testing and hard work! keep it coming. Best regards, Aurelie
I’m an eat clean guru and LOVE your website. I’ve spent hoursย looking through all these recipes! It is always so neat to meetย people with similar passions to eat clean and have FUN whileย doingย it. I know I couldn’t do it without new ideas from people likeย you!
Thank you for sharing your wonderful recipes, I look forward toย trying so many of them!
God bless,ย Ali
Thanks for your website… I have been clean eating for a couple of years now…and personally, I think it’s the only way to eat…just wish I would have
started much earlier… Anyways, I am always concocting (is that a word?) recipes…I love thatย I can go to your website when I need help or just an idea. Thank you again for being here! Yvonne Barrot