Katie Kimball
Katie Kimball, CSME, founder and CEO of Kitchen Stewardship, is passionate about researching natural remedies and making healthy cooking easier for busy families. As a trusted educator and author of 8 real food cookbooks, she’s been featured on media outlets like ABC, NBC and First for Women magazine and contributes periodically on the FOX Network locally. Since 2009, Katie has spoken prolifically at conferences, online summits and podcasts and become a trusted authority and advocate for children’s health. Busy moms look to this certified educator for honest, in-depth natural product reviews and thorough research, and she often partners with health experts and medical practitioners to stay on the cutting edge. In 2016 she created the Wall Street Journal recommended best online kids cooking course, Kids Cook Real Food, helping thousands of families around the world learn to cook. A mom of 4 kids from Michigan, she is also a Certified Stress Mastery Educator, member of the American Institute of Stress and trained speaker through Bo Eason’s Personal Story Power with 2 TEDx Talks. She is on a mission to have every child able to cook, reinforcing the importance of life skills with #LifeSkillsNow summer camp, and coaching others on their TEDx Talks as a speaker coach.
- Job Title: Founder, Speaker, Coach, Writer, Educator, Mom
- Competency: parenting, teaching kids to cook, picky eating
- Languages: English
- Alumni: Michigan State University
- Credentials: Certified Stress Mastery Educator, BA in English
- Member of: American Institute of Stress
- Employer: Kitchen Stewardship, LLC